The US and Colombia aren’t planning a military intervention in Venezuela, but is Maduro?

In an op-ed piece for CNN in Español, Joseph Humire discusses the ongoing crisis in Venezuela. He asks, what if the strategic objective isn't to produce internal chaos, but to provoke an external conflict? What role d

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Iran, Russia, and China’s Central Role in the Venezuela Crisis

Iran, Russia, and China’s Central Role in the Venezuela Crisis

In the wake of U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's first visit to Latin America, where China and Russia were both mentioned, Joseph Humire remarks on these external influences within the country. In an article for

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The true role of the “fixers” between Iran and Argentina denounced by Nisman

In this Infobae article, Martín Dinatale delves into the continuously evolving and highly contentious international mystery that is the research findings and death of the late Argentine prosecutor: Alberto Nisman. Whil

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Situation Report: Crisis in Venezuela

Situation Report: Crisis in Venezuela

August 2017 -- Venezuela has started to garner international attention as the country's political situation continues to deteriorate, shining a spotlight on the oft-neglected country and its internal unrest.The U.S

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Situation Report: ISIS Threat in Rio 2016 and ABIN Threat Assessment

Situation Report: ISIS Threat in Rio 2016 and ABIN Threat Assessment

August 2016 -- The 2016 Rio Olympic Games start on August 5th. Brazilian and international authorities are working overtime to prepare and take the necessary countermeasures against a potential terrorist attack. As

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HUMIRE: As Venezuela Inches Toward Syria-Style War, U.S. Weapons Are Not the Answer

For months the protests in Venezuela have been escalating and, last week, The Miami Herald revealed an audio recording suggesting that military snipers could be used against the Venezuelan protesters. The implications

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Joseph Humire: “Perú es más fuerte que el terrorismo de Hezbollah”

Joseph Humire: “Perú es más fuerte que el terrorismo de Hezbollah”

Era el mes de octubre de 2014 cuando tuvo lugar la detención de un ciudadano libanés en territorio peruano. De nombre Mohammed Hamdar y de 30 años de edad, esta detención no es una más de las que se practican a dia

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Joseph Humire: “Militantes de Hezbolá están en Perú desde 1985”

Joseph Humire: “Militantes de Hezbolá están en Perú desde 1985”

Grupos extremistas tienen fuerte presencia en Brasil y Venezuela, advierte director del Center for a Secure Free Society (SFS). El ciudadano libanés Muhamad Galeb Hamdar, presunto miembro de la organización terrorista

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