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Putin challenges Trump and looks to further intervene in Venezuela

En un artículo de Sabrina Martín de PanAm Post, Joseph Humire, director ejecutivo del Centro para una Sociedad Libre y Segura, señaló que más que un conflicto, Rusia estaría chantajeando a Estados Unidos con

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The Iran Nuclear Deal

Joseph Humire joins RPP Noticias to discuss the Iran nuclear deal. Responding to Trump's decision to withdraw Humire states that Trump did not say Iran violated the deal, but rather, violated the spirit of the deal becau

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Trump’s Nuclear Deal Decision

Joseph Humire joins VOA to discuss Trump's latest decision to withdraw from the Iran deal. Humire is calling it a smart move due to the fact the deal never had full Congressional support and it was created with several e

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US Strategy towards Iran

Joseph Humire joins VOA, once more, to discuss the Iran nuclear deal. Among its errors are: Inspectors are not allowed onto Iran's military bases. Iran has failed to give a reason for needing an intercontinental ba

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The Iran Nuclear Deal was Never Viable

Joseph Humire joins Fernando del Rincón for a Conclusiones segment about the Iran deal. He asserts that the nuclear deal never had full support from Congress, making it a fraught deal from the start. The two fatal error

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Syria, Russia, and Trump

Syria, Russia, and Trump

  • J.D. Gordon
  • 04/15/2018

Fellow J.D. Gordon joins RPP Noticias in Peru while on an SFS trip to present the event "La crisis de Venezuela y la Cumbre de las Américas" with the University San Ignacio de Loyola. Here, Gordon takes a break from th

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Iraníes completan seis días de protestas contra el régimen del país

Joseph Humire habla con NTN24 sobre los manifestaciones contra el régimen Iraní. Humire afirmó que "hay dos cosas que están pasando, una es que había mucha expectativa por lo propuesto por el régimen de que los be

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J.D. Gordon talks about North Korea Missiles

J.D. Gordon joins Fox Business to discuss North Korea policy options.

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