Weaponizing Networks (part one): Venezuela’s Asymmetric Attack on Texas

Weaponizing Networks (part one): Venezuela’s Asymmetric Attack on Texas

Transregional Threats Journal Texas Series • Issue 5 Weaponizing Networks (part one): Venezuela’s Asymmetric Attack on Texas Texas has the second largest GDP of any state in the union. I

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How Maduro’s crime-terror networks could use national protests to threaten the U.S.

Transregional Threats Journal Texas Series • Volume 1 • Issue 3 How Maduro’s crime-terror networks could use national protests to threaten the U.S. Riots in more than 40 major American cit

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El Súper Facilitador de Irán, Turquía y Venezuela: Quién es Alex Saab?

El Súper Facilitador de Irán, Turquía y Venezuela: Quién es Alex Saab?

El 12 de junio, Alex Nain Saab Morán, un empresario colombiano de ascendencia libanesa, fue arrestado en el Aeropuerto Internacional Amílcar Cabral en Cabo Verde. Este fue un gran golpe para las redes ilícitas del rÃ

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Iran, Turkey, and Venezuela’s Super Facilitator: Who is Alex Saab?

Iran, Turkey, and Venezuela’s Super Facilitator: Who is Alex Saab?

On June 12, Alex Nain Saab Morán, a Colombian businessman of Lebanese descent, was arrested at Amílcar Cabral International airport in Cape Verde. This was a huge blow to the Maduro regime’s illicit networks, as Saa

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La globalización del crimen

La globalización del crimen

  Fellow Dardo López-Dolz writes on the globalization of crime in this piece from El Montonero. He states that Latin America is an attractive place for criminal organizations due to its high levels of corruption, whic

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No se reduce el crimen castigando a las víctimas

Where do corruption, crime, and impunity meet? (Dónde cruzan la corrupción, el crimen, y la impunidad?) Read Dardo López-Dolz latest article, in Spanish, at El Montonero to find out (Lee el artículo de Dardo Lópe

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Chicago-style politics wreaks havoc from Washington to Quito

What would President Abraham Lincoln say? If it isn’t bad enough that four of the last seven former Illinois governors were jailed for assorted crimes of corruption, racketeering and bribery, now the Land of Lincoln ha

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Bradley Manning’s Sentence Fits the Crime

Bradley Manning’s Sentence Fits the Crime

As the world debates whether Pfc. Bradley Manning is a hero or traitor for his collaboration with WikiLeaks in the largest disclosure of classified material in U.S. history, one thing is certain: His trial at Ft. Meade,

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