Fox News: DHS Secretary Nielsen: Some caravan migrants come from Middle East

Fox News: DHS Secretary Nielsen: Some caravan migrants come from Middle East

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen told Fox News there is intelligence indicating the caravan of migrants making their way through Mexico includes a limited number of people from outside the regi

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Blaze Media: Trump is right, mainstream media is wrong on terrorist threat from migrant caravan

Blaze Media: Trump is right, mainstream media is wrong on terrorist threat from migrant caravan

In an article from Daniel Horowitz in Blaze Media, SFS Executive Director Joseph Humire explains the potential threats of migrant caravans heading to the US border. He remarks that he’d be surprised if Middle Easterne

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United States Will Permit the Use of 3D Printed Guns

Joseph Humire joins the news station program "La Mañana de NTN24" to discuss gun control, 3D printed guns, and the implications of legalizing 3D printed guns in the United States. (Interview conducted in Spanish) &nbs

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The Russians Move into Central and South America along with their Iranian allies

Joseph Humire recently joined the John Batchelor Show to explain how the Russians have created alliances with Latin American countries and Iranian allies over decades, and how it it is still growing to this day. In addit

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Gran Colombia Reborn?

Joseph Humire joins Ezra Levant on The Rebel Media to discuss Venezuela and its long-term goals in the region. Venezuelan military plans outline the Bolivarian Revolution's end goal: an enlarged state in the region that

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Venezuelan Refugee Crisis

Joseph Humire joins Stefan Molyneux on Freedomain Radio to discuss a wide range of security and foreign policy issues including: DACA Venezuela The dangers surrounding the refugee crisis Hezbollah's presence i

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Iran’s tightening grip on Latin America

Joseph Humire joins Daniel Horowitz on the Conservative Conscience to talk about Hezbollah's strategic engagement in Latin America. Not only is Hezbollah involved in illicit trafficking and production in the region, but

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The Iran Nuclear Deal

Joseph Humire joins RPP Noticias to discuss the Iran nuclear deal. Responding to Trump's decision to withdraw Humire states that Trump did not say Iran violated the deal, but rather, violated the spirit of the deal becau

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