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Cuba Welcomes first non-Castro President Since ’76

"Fernando Menéndez joins CGTN to discuss the leadership change in Cuba, which places the first non-Castro president in power in 3 decades. What will this mean for Cuba? What will this mean for US-Cuba relations? Watch

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The future of the Cuban economy

Senior Fellow Fernando Menéndez joins CGTN to discuss the Cuban economy and the future of the country after Raul Castro steps down from the Cuban presidency. What does this mean for the country? Will Castro's hold on

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Syria, Russia, and Trump

Syria, Russia, and Trump

  • J.D. Gordon
  • 04/15/2018

Fellow J.D. Gordon joins RPP Noticias in Peru while on an SFS trip to present the event "La crisis de Venezuela y la Cumbre de las Américas" with the University San Ignacio de Loyola. Here, Gordon takes a break from th

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Transnational terrorism in Latin America?

Joseph Humire joins VOA Noticias to discuss transnational crime in Latin America. He notes that a challenge for the region will be to create and enforce new laws that combat this international crime, as laws in Latin Ame

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The truth about mafias and criminals in Miraflores

Joseph Humire joins Carla Angola with EV TV to discuss Hezbollah in Venezuela. This interview details the permissive atmosphere in the country and how Hezbollah has been able to take hold and use the country as a safe ha

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Venezuela, the Syria of America

Venezuela, the Syria of America

  • Joseph M. Humire
  • 02/15/2018

  Joseph Humire Joins Factor Global to discuss the danger of Venezuela's deteriorating situation and its implications for the region. The humanitarian situation in Venezuela demands attention and action, but how?

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El Caso de Óscar Pérez

Ve Joseph Humire habla con Fernando del Rincón de CNN en Español sobre Óscar Pérez y la falta de derechos humanos en Venezuela, la regimen, y guerra asimétrica  [Watch the video (in Spanish) below and hear Joseph H

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Iraníes completan seis días de protestas contra el régimen del país

Joseph Humire habla con NTN24 sobre los manifestaciones contra el régimen Iraní. Humire afirmó que "hay dos cosas que están pasando, una es que había mucha expectativa por lo propuesto por el régimen de que los be

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