What implications are there for the U.S. after Suleimani’s death?

Joseph M. Humire

Executive Director

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What implications are there for the U.S. after Suleimani’s death?

Joseph Humire is mentioned in a PanAm Post article by Mamela Fialo Flor explaining how the U.S. strike against Gen. Suleimani has implications in the Americas.

Read the full article at PanAm Post (content in Spanish).

Joseph Humire explica a Mamela Fialo Flor en su artículo por PanAm Post como la muerte de Suleimani es significativa para muchos países y gobiernos que colaboraban con la Pasdaran (Guardia Revolucionaria) de Irán en actividades asimétricas.

Lea el artículo completo por PanAm Post.