Anti-Dollar Alliance: Russia, China & Ecuador Advance Against the Global Dominance of the U.S. Dollar

Joseph M. Humire

Executive Director

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SFS Policy Report No. 2 — Anti-Dollar Alliance: Russia, China & Ecuador advance against the global dominance of the U.S. dollar addresses an emerging global alliance that is working to undermine the international monetary system. The report is co-authored by SFS Executive Director Joseph M. Humire, Senior Fellow Fernando Menéndez, and Juan Cordero, which is a pseudonym for an economic analyst and expert on money laundering in Ecuador. Enea Gjoza and SFS International Fellow Evgueni Novikov contributed to this report. After months of study including thorough field research, the co-authors provide the facts showing Quito’s extensive collaboration with strategic partners in Moscow and Beijing to upend the dollar as the world’s dominant reserve currency. Can this new axis of economic warfare against the U.S. succeed in supplanting the dollar through an alternative international financial system?

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