Weaponizing Networks (part one): Venezuela’s Asymmetric Attack on Texas

Weaponizing Networks (part one): Venezuela’s Asymmetric Attack on Texas

Transregional Threats Journal Texas Series • Issue 5 Weaponizing Networks (part one): Venezuela’s Asymmetric Attack on Texas Texas has the second largest GDP of any state in the union. I

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COVID-19 in Venezuela

COVID-19 in Venezuela

SFS Senior Research Fellow and former Venezuelan Lieutenant Colonel, Jose Gustavo Arocha, explains how the Maduro regime is taking advantage of the coronavirus to further crackdown on the Venezuelan people. https://

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Hezbollah Networks in Venezuela

Key Facts 61 nations worldwide have designated Hezbollah as a foreign terrorist organization.In Europe, some nations, have only designated the “military” wing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization while ot

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Venezuela’s Crime-Terrorist Convergence

Venezuela’s Crime-Terrorist Convergence

Transregional Threats Journal Venezuela Series • Volume 1 • Issue 4 Venezuela's Crime-Terrorist Convergence The current U.S. national security strategy, unveiled by President Trump in 2017 a

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Blurring the Colombia-Venezuela border through lawlessness

Blurring the Colombia-Venezuela border through lawlessness

Co-hosting along with the legendary radio personality, John Batchelor, SFS Executive Director Joseph Humire joins Colombian Senator Maria Fernanda Cabal every Tuesday evening to discuss critical 

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Venezuelans sell gasoline on the black market to Colombians

Venezuelans sell gasoline on the black market to Colombians

Co-hosting along with the legendary radio personality, John Batchelor, SFS Executive Director Joseph Humire joins Colombian Senator Maria Fernanda Cabal every Tuesday evening to discuss critical 

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Leaders of Bolivia, Brazil and Venezuela test positive with the virus

Leaders of Bolivia, Brazil and Venezuela test positive with the virus

Co-hosting along with the legendary radio personality, John Batchelor, SFS Executive Director Joseph Humire joins Colombian Senator Maria Fernanda Cabal every Tuesday evening to discuss critical 

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VRIC MONITOR No. 14 | Iran takes to the Seas to prop up Venezuela’s Maduro regime

VRIC MONITOR No. 14 | Iran takes to the Seas to prop up Venezuela’s Maduro regime

Disclaimer: The VRIC Monitor does source a limited amount of media reports from state-owned or -controlled media outlets from VRIC nations. These media reports are carefully selected and solely intended to report on

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