Italy urging NATO to join fight against ISIS

Italy urging NATO to join fight against ISIS. Reaction from former Pentagon spokesman JD Gordon  

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“Responsables del ataque en Francia podrían pertenecer a un grupo yihadista” Experto en terrorismo

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Russia leading new international push to cut off ISIS funding


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Impossible to stop Gitmo detainees from returning to Yemen?

Impossible to stop Gitmo detainees from returning to Yemen?

Watch the latest video at

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U.S. releases known terrorist

J.D. Gordon joins Jerry Agar to explain the details behind America's release of a known terrorist.

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Debate Zoom a la Noticia: ¿Continuarán las investigaciones del fiscal Nisman en Argentina?


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Experto en seguridad global detalla en NTN24 las posibles causas del secuestro en Sídney, Australia

En NTN24, Joseph Humire, experto en seguridad global aseguró que existen muchos países tienen falencia en el marco legal, que al no contar con una la legislación anti terrorismo hacen que los casos no paren. Mencionó

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Does US need to revamp ISIS military strategy?

JD Gordon on the fight against the terror group

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