The reasons why Guantanamo is so expensive

In listening to President Obama and most Democrats in Congress, one might think that holding detainees at Guantanamo Bay is what’s bankrupting America. Last month, the president told Candy Crowley on CNN’s State of

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Despite horrors of Paris, Obama continues to free terror suspects from Guantanamo

While 40 world leaders marched in Paris to show solidarity against terrorist attacks, Obama not only skipped the event, he remains determined to free as many Al Qaeda, Taliban and affiliated jihadists from Guantanamo as

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America Betrayed Over Bergdahl, Taliban Leaders POW Exchange

In one of America’s most shocking wartime decisions, the Commander-in-Chief has knowingly broken the law to release five of our highest-ranking enemies in return for a young soldier who mysteriously vanished from his

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Freedom Is Not Free: How Should Think Tanks Address The National Security Question?

The unhindered movement of money, goods and people are essential aspects of economic freedom. These same freedoms, however, can be used for violent purposes by national or international aggressors. The same freedom that

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Bradley Manning’s Sentence Fits the Crime

Bradley Manning’s Sentence Fits the Crime

As the world debates whether Pfc. Bradley Manning is a hero or traitor for his collaboration with WikiLeaks in the largest disclosure of classified material in U.S. history, one thing is certain: His trial at Ft. Meade,

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Threat to the Homeland: Iran’s Extending Influence in the Western Hemisphere

Threat to the Homeland: Iran’s Extending Influence in the Western Hemisphere

Joseph Humire testifies in a hearing by the House Committee on Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight and Management Efficiency on the "Threat to the Homeland: Iran's Extending Influence in the Western Hemisphere"

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11 years after 9/11 why are we still fighting the last war to keep America safe?

As we mark the 11th anniversary of September 11 terrorist attacks on America, we’re undoubtedly safer to flying on a plane – but that’s just about it. Sure, a lot has been accomplished since that horrific day -- we

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Top 5 changes at the Pentagon under Obama

Over the past couple weeks some of President Obama’s most fervent fans have openly deserted him – expressing a commonly heard frustration from his liberal base that his popular 2008 campaign slogan “hope and change

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