Freedom for Leopoldo: The U.S. and Political Prisoners in the Americas

Freedom for Leopoldo: The U.S. and Political Prisoners in the Americas

The case of Venezuelan political leader Leopoldo López, in jail without a sentence since February 18, 2014, seems so clear, that the inability to secure his release, is a testimony to the sad state of democracy in sever

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Freedom Is Not Free: How Should Think Tanks Address The National Security Question?

The unhindered movement of money, goods and people are essential aspects of economic freedom. These same freedoms, however, can be used for violent purposes by national or international aggressors. The same freedom that

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5 Ways to Invest in Venezuelan Freedom

Latin America is seldom in the U.S. news these days. The announcement of Hugo Chávez’s death has been an exception, with TV news networks devoting days to the coverage and analysis. The upcoming April 14th president

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