Peruvian President Pedro Castillo displays the Shining Path, Cuba and the ELN in his first cabinet

Joseph M. Humire

Executive Director

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Peruvian President Pedro Castillo displays the Shining Path, Cuba and the ELN in his first cabinet

Co-hosting along with the legendary radio personality, John Batchelor, SFS Executive Director Joseph Humire discusses critical issues affecting the security, economics, and geopolitics of the Western Hemisphere, otherwise known as the New World every Monday evening. Colombian Senator Maria Fernanda Cabal, a long-time contributor to the show, has taken leave to campaign for the congressional elections in Colombia.

This week Joseph discussed Peru in light of the new president’s inauguration. Upon his inauguration, he didn’t have a cabinet. Even more concerning, some key members of his cabinet are Shining Path supporters.

Listen below and visit the original site, here.