Order of Merit Medal awarded to Joseph M. Humire from Colombian Armed Forces Reserve

Washington, D.C. – Thursday, January 19, 2023 | The Order of Merit Medal “General Pedro Fortoul” was awarded to Joseph M. Humire by the Armed Forces Reserve of the Republic of Colombia. The following is the official citation by the medal council of the Colombian reserves: Major General Juan Carlos Salazar, President; Major General Félix Iván Muñoz, Vice President; and Mr. Julio Cesar Bernal, Secretary. Conferred on November 15, 2022 and Signed on January 9, 2023 in Bogota D.C.

DEED NO. 00017
JANUARY 09, 2023

By which the “Medal of Merit” of a group of the Armed Forces Reserve of the Republic of Colombia is conferred to a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and a citizen of the United States of America.

The president of the Medal Council in use of his functions conferred by the General Assembly on January 09, 2010, and in particular those consigned in Deed No. 0002 of 2016, having met with the full council on January 09, 2023:


1. That the medal for meritorious service of the Colombian Military Reserves may be conferred upon military and civilian citizens, nationals, and foreigners, who for their meritorious services to peace and freedom of the peoples are deserving of it.

2. That Mr. JOSEPH M. HUMIRE, a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, with deployment in combat operations in the Iraq war, as well as with bilateral and multilateral training in Latin America and the Caribbean, and Executive Director of the Center for a Secure Free Society has earned such valuable distinction, for the reasons set forth below.


To confer the “Medal of Merit” from a group of the Colombian Armed Forces Reserves to Mr. JOSEPH M. HUMIRE, U.S. Marine Corps veteran and Executive Director of the Center for a Secure Free Society, in recognition of an exemplary career in military service, think tanks, and academia, through his selfless and outstanding service to peace, democracy and the freedom of nations.

The medal will be awarded in a special ceremony on January 19, 2023, on the occasion of the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Center for a Secure Free Society in Washington, D.C.

Pursuant to the provisions of this Act, the provisions of this order shall be effective as of the date hereof.

Communicate to the interested party.

Given in Bogotá Colombia on the ninth (09) day of January 2023.


Secretary of the Medal Council

President of the Medal Council

Vice President of the Medal Council