Transnational terrorism in Latin America?

Joseph Humire joins VOA Noticias to discuss transnational crime in Latin America. He notes that a challenge for the region will be to create and enforce new laws that combat this international crime, as laws in Latin Ame

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U.S. Carries Out Drone Strikes Against al-Qaeda Narco-Terrorists in Libya

U.S. Carries Out Drone Strikes Against al-Qaeda Narco-Terrorists in Libya

Edwin Mora discusses US drone strikes against al-Qaeda in Libya in his Breitbart column and the US mission to "degrade, disrupt, and destroy terrorist organizations and bring stability to the region." This is made m

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The truth about mafias and criminals in Miraflores

Joseph Humire joins Carla Angola with EV TV to discuss Hezbollah in Venezuela. This interview details the permissive atmosphere in the country and how Hezbollah has been able to take hold and use the country as a safe ha

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China expanding its military, political influence in Latin America

A recent report by a Washington D.C.-based think tank has predicted that Communist China is seeking to expand its military and political influence across Latin America. The report prepared by the Center for a Secure

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