Bolivia on the Brink of Economic Collapse, a Deliberate Strategy?

Bolivia on the Brink of Economic Collapse, a Deliberate Strategy?

Bolivia is experiencing one of its worst financial crises in modern history. Its international reserves are the lowest they’ve been in 15 years and government bonds have the worst yields in 5 years. But for e

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COVID-19 in Peru

COVID-19 in Peru

SFS International Fellow and former vice-minister of Interior, Dardo López-Dolz offers an on-the-ground perspective of the effects of COVID-19 in Peru.

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There is no presumption of innocence for ministers

In this El Montonero article, Dardo López-Dolz raises the age of question of, "What makes being a minister so appealing," by taking a deeper look at the presumptions of holding office and comparing them to the realities

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Amenazas para la paz y la seguridad en América

After attending the Western Hemisphere Security Forum, SFS fellow Dardo López-Dolz reiterates the importance of securing Latin American against a myriad of threats. After reviewing the panels of the November 16th Forum,

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Importancia de la formalidad para la seguridad

Fellow Dardo López-Dolz writes about the security in Peru in this latest article. López-Dolz claims that rules are less obligatory and more like recommendations in Peru. This puts the security of the entire state in je

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La globalización del crimen

La globalización del crimen

  Fellow Dardo López-Dolz writes on the globalization of crime in this piece from El Montonero. He states that Latin America is an attractive place for criminal organizations due to its high levels of corruption, whic

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No se reduce el crimen castigando a las víctimas

Where do corruption, crime, and impunity meet? (Dónde cruzan la corrupción, el crimen, y la impunidad?) Read Dardo López-Dolz latest article, in Spanish, at El Montonero to find out (Lee el artículo de Dardo Lópe

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Las cartas de posguerra (léase post elecciones)

Read the latest about Peruvian politics from our fellow, Dardo López-Dolz. The full article can be found here, at El Montonero.  

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