VRIC MONITOR No. 16 | Changes to Latin American Security Landscape post-October 18

VRIC MONITOR No. 16 | Changes to Latin American Security Landscape post-October 18

Disclaimer: The VRIC Monitor does source a limited amount of media reports from state-owned or -controlled media outlets from VRIC nations. These media reports are carefully selected and solely intended to report on

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Argentina Designates Hezbollah a Terror Group

The following is an edited and translated transcript of a speech given by Argentine Congressman Luis Petri on July 25, 2019 at the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington D.C. during an event hosted by the Center f

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A conquista esplêndida

A conquista esplêndida

Como o Brasil pode estar entregando, involuntariamente, informações estratégicas de Estado e de seus cidadãos ao governo chinês A disputa pelo mercado de telefonia móvel 5G é o ponto de partida para uma batalh

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A Conquista Esplêndida (The Splendid Conquest) Executive Summary

A Conquista Esplêndida (The Splendid Conquest) Executive Summary

How Brazil may be involuntarily handing over the country’s strategic information and that of its citizens to China In 2016, approximately 1.3 million Chinese Communist Party (CCP) committees were built into the ad

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To get rid of Maduro in Venezuela, US must challenge his enablers

By: Joseph M. Humire and Christina Armes Last week, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, President Trump met with leaders of Venezuela’s interim government and the Lima Group. The consensus was

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Three years after Parliament Hill attacks, terror threat persists

In her Toronto Sun article, Fellow Candice Malcolm writes a tribute honoring the Canadian soldier who died three years ago during a horrific terrorist attack on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Malcolm continues explaining the

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Biometric system failed to detect terror suspect

Biometric data encompass a range of identifying information excluding name and demographics. This information is important for governments so they can verify people migrating to their country and provide security measure

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La globalización del crimen

La globalización del crimen

  Fellow Dardo López-Dolz writes on the globalization of crime in this piece from El Montonero. He states that Latin America is an attractive place for criminal organizations due to its high levels of corruption, whic

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